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Our education ensures that all students who attend learn and become fully prepared for success in college and their future careers through revolutionizing the way we educate urban children.  As previously mentioned it is no secret that one of the greatest challenges facing educators today is how to close the achievement gap between suburban students and urban minority children.  Once again, it is well established that urban students have historically performed well below their peers in suburban schools on standardized achievement tests including: reading, writing, mathematics and science for a whole host of reasons.  Erroneous conclusions and mistaken views have been drawn from this phenomenon.  These views unfortunately perpetuate the false belief that race impacts learning ability.  As a result, much effort by well-intentioned educators have gone into attempting to raise test scores for urban children causing teachers to spend quality class time teaching to the test rather than teaching to the subject.  So if race is clearly not the reason for this performance gap, what is?  Our position is that environment, family, social, cultural and economic issues exert far more impact on education levels of urban students than all other factors.  Our curriculum and teaching methods revolve around taking into account these socioeconomic factors.

First, we have researched the unique circumstances and needs of urban minority students in terms of their diverse, ethnic, cultural backgrounds who live in low income communities to create an inspirational curriculum.  A superficial understanding does not peer deep enough into the intimate character of our future students.   We found answers to questions such as:  What are their lives like? What motivates them? What resources do they bring to the classroom in terms"body of knowledge"?  What challenges might they face in their environment?  What is their cultural heritage?  What languages do they speak in their homes? What are their beliefs and practices associated with education that are held by their families?  Answers to these types of questions allow us to inspire and teach from an urban context.

Second, we embrace diversity by recruiting a wide variety of highly qualified diverse teachers who have similar backgrounds and demographics to more closely match student populations and who can conquer standardized testing without sacrificing quality learning using a more fluid interactive collaborative approach which is more effective with diverse learners.

, we harness the competitive spirit by implementing a competitive reward based program for students and teachers designed to provide immediate feedback and incentives for achieving desired academic and behavioral performance results by excelling in academic competitions against each other and other academic clubs.

we expand our learning forums from the classroom to the community by involving students and parents in hands-on lesson based community public service initiatives that will reinforce theoretical learning with real world examples.

Fifth, we expose our students to various professionals and community leaders sharing their success stories of how they made it to college and how to pursue careers in their field. 

But more importantly we tailor our instruction around our student's existing school curriculum which reinforces what they are already learning, such as helping kids complete their homework first, and secondarily targeting deficient areas with our high-powered curriculm.